Our Partner



Our Partner

4-H, America’s largest youth development organization, helps to bridge the opportunity gap for youth from all beliefs and backgrounds, providing them with the tools necessary to harness their potential and create positive change in their communities.

4h logo

Why We Support

 4-H provides flexible youth-driven programming in science, civic engagement, and health, which incorporate hands-on learning and mentorship to equip kids with the skills and confidence they need to thrive.  

Positive and sustained relationships, programming and access to resources teach 4-H’ers important life skills and give them opportunities to take leadership roles in valued community activities. 

4h kids

Our Impact

We've Donated Over $120,000

Manna Pro donates to 4-H to support the National 4-H Council's mission of empowering young people to be leaders and thrive in a community.

Become a Monthly Donor!

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dog with ducks in water
horse making funny face
pig with manna pro product
cow looking at camera
goat chewing on branch
Donkey wearing antlers looking at camera
Hens with Manna Pro product
Piglets looking at camera
goat in wagon with hens
duck in water
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