If you are just getting started raising chickens, you might be coming across numerous terms and jargon you don't know. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!
See below for a great list of common chicken terms and their definitions. Feel free to click on the button at the bottom to download a copy to keep handy!

Chicken Development Terms
Term | Definition |
Chick | Newly Hatched Chicken |
Cockerel | Male that is under a year old |
Pullet | Female that is under a year old |
Juvenile | A young male or female bird |
Cock | Male that is a year or older |
Hen | Female that is a year or older |
Rooster | A male chicken (includes cock and cockerel) |
Bantam | Refers to small breeds of chicken (AKA Miniature Chicken) |
Layer Breed | Breed of chicken that is raised primarily for egg collection |
Dual Purpose Breed | Breed of chicken that is raised for both eggs and meat |
Ornamental Breed | Breed of chicken that is raised primarily for show or exhibition |
Production Breed | Breed of chicken that is raised for high egg production or meat production |

Chicken Coop Terms
Term | Definition |
Nesting Box | A cubicle where a chicken can privately lay eggs |
Bedding/Litter | A material used to cover the floor/ground in confined spaces |
Hardware Cloth | A sturdy mesh product made of metal or plastic used generally on the coop to keep them contained |
Chicken Wire | Light wire netting with a hexagonal mesh |
Brooder | A type of heated enclosure for raising chicks |
Roosting | A chicken or group of chickens resting, likely on an elevated perch |
Chicken Tractor | A movable chicken coop lacking a floor allowing flock access to the earth beneath them |
Coop | An enclosure where chickens are kept safe and secure |
Run | A fenced or enclosed outdoor space for your chickens |

Feather Types and Terms
Term | Definition |
Molting | Loss of feathers due to change in season followed by re-growth |
Frizzle | A genetically programmed ornamental feather type causing the curling of feathers |
Down | Fine layer of feathers that covers young birds and is found under the tough exterior feathers of older birds |
Muff | Short feathers on the sides of a chicken's face and below the chin area |
Saddle | Feathers in front of the tail |
Sickle | The pair of long curving feathers on a cock's tail |
Beard | The elongated feathers below the beak area that created a puffy look to some birds |
Pin | A developing feather seen on maturing birds as well as after molt |

Chicken Health Terms
Term | Definition |
Wry Neck | Typically seen in chicks causing them to twist their neck, stare upwards and have trouble standing likely caused by a Vitamin E or selenium deficiency |
Amprolium | Medication used as an aid to prevent and treat coccidiosis and can be found in some medicated chick feeds |
Mites | Bugs that live on the skin of chickens |
Poultry Lice | Insects that live only on chickens and their feathers |
Dust Bath | Bathing in dirt or other substances to help remove external parasites and groom plumage |
Coccidiosis | Intestinal disease that occurs when a microscopic parasitic organism attaches itself to the intestinal lining |
Avian Influenza | A naturally occurring virus that effects chickens and other species of poultry |
Fowl Pox | Viral disease in chickens and other species of poultry that causes lesions on skin (cutaneous form) and can affect respiratory tract and upper GI (diphtheritic form) |
Newcastle Disease | An extremely contagious disease affecting birds, including domestic poultry |
Salmonella | Intestinal bacteria that is typically heard about when discussing food poisoning |
Bumblefoot | A bacterial infection and inflammatory reaction on the feet of birds |
Pasty Butt | Describes the condition that occurs when a chicks vent is covered in feces and becomes clogged |
Mycoplasma | Upper respiratory disease affecting backyard poultry |
Conjunctivitis | Eye infection in chickens |
Torticollis | Describes the abnormal head and neck position of a chicken infected with this disease; also known as wry neck, crookneck and stargazing |
Paralysis | When a chicken is paralyzed, preventing them from moving normally |
Wry Neck | See "Torticollis" |
Crookneck | See "Torticollis" |
Stargazing | See "Torticollis" |

Chicken Feed Types
Term | Definition |
Starter Grower Feed | A feed formulated for growing chicks up to laying age or 16 weeks for hens |
Layer Feed | A feed formulated for hens at laying age to support healthy and strong egg production |
All Flock Feed | A feed specifically formulated for mixed flocks of poultry |
Gamebird Showbird Feed | A feed with higher protein for to promote growth in gamebirds, showbirds and meatbirds |
Scratch | Blended and whole unfortified grains that commonly includes corn |
Grit | Crushed rock that helps break down food in the gizzard |

Chicken Anatomy Terms
Term | Definition |
Wattle | Flesh under the beak of a chicken that is used as a heat regulating mechanism |
Crop | Part of the digestive system on chickens that stores food before continuing on to be fully digested |
Cloaca | An all-in-one urinating, defecating and mating mechanism located on the hind end of the chicken |
Spurs | A sharp appendage that can grow on the legs of chickens |
Comb | A featherless crest at the top of a chickens head |
Vent | An opening in chickens where waste and eggs are expelled |
Crest | The feathers protruding from the top of a chickens head |

Chicken Reproduction Terms
Term | Definition |
Broody | A chicken that has decided to sit on and hatch a clutch of eggs |
Bloom | A thin coating that covers an egg and prevents bacteria from effecting the egg |
Candle | Shining a light on the backside of an egg to examine its contents |
Internal Pip | During the hatching process, when the chick breaches the membrane into the aircell of the egg, it is called the internal pip |
External Pip | During the hatching process, the chick's first small crack or hole in the shell is called the external pip |
Clutch | A group of 12 to 15 eggs gathered for hatching |
Blastoderm | A small white bullseye on the egg yolk indicating a fertile egg |
Blastodisc | A small white disc on the egg yolk indicating an infertile egg |
Incubator | A machine that maintains the perfect temperatures to hatch an egg |

Chicken Behavior Terms
Term | Definition |
Tidbitting | When a rooster drops food or treats at the feet of hens, then dances around excitedly; it is a way to attract a mate |
Zipping | When a baby chick picks at its shell, creating a ring around the shell that it can escape from |

Chicken Keeping Terms
Term | Definition |
Culling | Identifying and removing non-laying or diseased birds |
Biosecurity | Process for protecting backyard chickens from infectious diseases and spreading them |
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