Pro-Force® Equine Spot On

Why Choose?

  • One vial application lasts up to two weeks
  • Kills and repels biting and bothersome flies, ticks and mosquitoes
  • Great for pastured horses

Product Details


ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Permethrin* (CAS# 52645-53-1) ............. 50.00% INERT INGREDIENTS: .................................. 50.00% Total: ............................................................... 100.00% *Cis/trans ratio: max 55%(+/-) cis and min 45% (+/-) trans

Directions for Use

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Sensitivities can occur after using ANY pesticide product on animals. If signs of sensitivity occur, wash area with mild soap and rinse with large amounts of water. If signs continue consult a veterinarian immediately. Do not use on horses intended for food use. Not for use on foals under three (3) months of age. Ready to use, no dilution necessary. Hold tube in upright position away from user’s face and body. Break off tip or cut with scissors. Using the cc marks on the body of the applicator as a guide apply the Pro-Force® 50 Spot-on as follows by gently squeezing the applicator. 1. Streak 2 cc on the poll 2. Streak 1 cc on each side of the withers (2 cc total) 3. Streak 1 cc on each side of the hind quarters (2 cc total) 4. Spot 1 cc to the back of each front leg below the elbow (2 cc total) 5. Spot 1 cc above each hock on the gaskin muscle (2 cc in total) Place empty applicator in trash or offer for recycling if available. Do not reapply for 14 days.